Saving ahead of time is one of the most significant things you can do to help make education a reality for a child, and ISave 529 is here to help. Jumpstart your savings today by registering a child you know for a chance to win an ISave 529 account contribution.
ISave 529 offers an easy, affordable, tax-advantaged way to save for education. By starting early and saving regularly, you can watch your savings and your child grow side by side. They grow up fast. Plan now for their tomorrow.
Roby Smith
Iowa State Treasurer
State Treasurer Roby Smith is reminding Iowans to register for the ISave 529 giveaway before it ends December 31. “Visit and register to win a $5,290 contribution to an ISave 529 account,” Smith said. “Whether you’re a parent, grandparent, family member or friend, saving and contributing to an ISave...